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DevOps Reports

DETAILS: Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering: Self-managed

DevOps Reports give you an overview of your entire instance's adoption of DevOps from planning to monitoring.

DevOps Score

NOTE: To see the DevOps score, you must activate your GitLab instance's Service Ping. DevOps Score is a comparative tool, so your score data must be centrally processed by GitLab Inc. first.

You can use the DevOps score to compare your DevOps status to other organizations.

The DevOps Score tab displays usage of major GitLab features on your instance over the last 30 days, averaged over the number of billable users in that time period. You can also see the Leader usage score, calculated from top-performing instances based on Service Ping data that GitLab has collected. Your score is compared to the lead score of each feature and then expressed as a percentage at the bottom of said feature. Your overall DevOps Score is an average of your feature scores.

Service Ping data is aggregated on GitLab servers for analysis. Your usage information is not sent to any other GitLab instances. If you have just started using GitLab, it might take a few weeks for data to be collected before this feature is available.

DevOps Adoption

DETAILS: Tier: Ultimate Offering: Self-managed

DevOps Adoption shows feature adoption for development, security, and operations.

Category Feature
Development Approvals
Code owners
Merge requests
Security DAST
Dependency Scanning
Fuzz Testing
Operations Deploys

You can use DevOps Adoption to:

  • Identify groups that are lagging in their adoption of GitLab features, so you can guide them on their DevOps journey.
  • Identify groups that have adopted certain GitLab features, and use them as an example for other groups to adopt those features.
  • Evaluate if you are getting the expected return on investment from GitLab.

View DevOps Reports

To view DevOps Reports:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the bottom, select Admin area.
  2. Select Analytics > DevOps Reports.

The Overview tab displays the number of features adopted in each category by the groups that use DevOps Reports.

The Adoption by group table lists the features used by each group.

Add or remove a group

To add a group to or remove a group from DevOps Reports:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the bottom, select Admin area.
  2. Select Analytics > DevOps Reports.
  3. From the Add or remove groups dropdown list, select the group you want to add or remove.