Build Status ============ .. image:: :target: Introduction ============ Screenshots ----------- .. image:: :target: What's that? ------------ Let me introduce you ``Burp-UI``. It is a web-based UI to manage your burp-servers. You can view different reports about burp-servers, burp-clients, backups, etc. ``Burp-UI`` allows you to perform *on-the-fly* restorations and should allow you to edit/manage your burp-server's conf file very soon. It is actually an improvement of the burp status monitor (``burp -c /etc/burp/burp-server.conf -a s``). In order to work properly, you must be running ``Burp-UI`` on the same host that runs your burp-server (because the burp status port only listen on *localhost*). If you don't want to, I developed a ``bui-agent`` that allows you to *proxify* external commands to your burp status port. Who are you? ------------ I'm `Ziirish `_, a French sysadmin who loves `Burp`_ and would like to help its adoption by providing it a nice and powerful interface. If you like my work, you can: * Thank me by sending me an email or writing a nice comment * Buy me a beer or some fries or both! * Make a donation on my Paypal Documentation ============= The documentation is hosted on `readthedocs `_ at the following address: ` `_ Troubleshooting =============== In case you encounter troubles with ``Burp-UI``, you should run it with the ``-d`` flag and paste the relevant output within your bug-report. Please also give the version of ``burp`` AND ``Burp-UI``. Since v0.0.6 you can use the ``-V`` or ``--version`` flag in order to get your version number. Notes ===== Please feel free to report any issues on my `gitlab `_. I have closed the *github tracker* to have a unique tracker system. TODO ==== `Here `_ is a non-exhaustive list of things I'd like to add. Known Issues ============ 1. SSL issue My new SSL certificate seem to be unknown on older systems like debian wheezy. Thus, you may have some SSL failure while trying to clone my repository. In order to fix this error, you can run the following command as root that will add my certificate in your trust list: :: echo -n | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect -servername 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' >>/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt 2. SSH issue People that would like to clone the repository over SSH will face an authentication failure even if they added a valid SSH key in their user settings. The reason is I only have *one* public IP address so I must use port redirections to have multiple SSH instances running. To fix the issue, you should configure your SSH client by adding the following lines in your ``~/.ssh/config`` file: :: Host Port 2222 Licenses ======== ``Burp-UI`` is released under the BSD 3-clause `License`_. But this project is built on top of other tools listed here: - `d3.js `_ (`BSD `__) - `nvd3.js `_ (`Apache `__) - `jQuery `_ (`MIT `__) - `jQuery-UI `_ (`MIT `__) - `fancytree `_ (`MIT `__) - `bootstrap `_ (`MIT `__) - `typeahead `_ (`MIT `__) - `bootswatch `_ theme ``Slate`` (`MIT `__) - `angular-bootstrap-switch `_ (`Apache `__) - `angular.js `_ (`MIT `__) - `angular-ui-select `_ (`MIT `__) - `AngularStrap `_ (`MIT `__) - `lodash `_ (`MIT `__) - `DataTables `_ (`MIT `__) - Home-made `favicon `_ based on pictures from `simpsoncrazy `_ Also note that this project is made with the Awesome `Flask`_ micro-framework. Thanks ====== Special Thanks to Graham Keeling for its great software! This project would not exist without `Burp`_. .. _Flask: .. _License: .. _Burp: .. _burpui.cfg: