Badges ====== .. image:: :target: :alt: Build Status .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status Introduction ============ Screenshots ----------- .. image:: :target: Demo ---- A screenshot is worth a thousand words, but a Demo is worth a thousand screenshots. You can now play with ``Burp-UI`` at ` `_ Credentials: - *admin / admin* to play with ``Burp-UI`` as an administrator - *demo / demo* to play with ``Burp-UI`` as a regular user What's that? ------------ Let me introduce you ``Burp-UI``. It is a web-based UI to manage your burp-servers. You can view different reports about burp-servers, burp-clients, backups, etc. ``Burp-UI`` allows you to perform *online* restorations and to edit/manage your burp-server's configuration files. Who are you? ------------ I'm `Ziirish `__, a French sysadmin who loves `Burp`_ and who'd like to help its adoption by providing it a nice and powerful interface. If you like my work, you can: * Thank me by sending me an email or writing nice comments * Buy me a beer or some fries (or both!) * Make a donation on my `Paypal `__ Documentation ============= The documentation is hosted on `readthedocs `_ at the following address: ` `_ FAQ === A `FAQ `_ is available with the documentation. Community ========= Please refer to the `Contributing `_ page. Notes ===== Feel free to report any issues on my `gitlab `_. I have closed the *github tracker* to have a unique tracker system. Also please, read the `Contributing `_ page before reporting any issue to make sure we have all the informations to help you. Licenses ======== ``Burp-UI`` is released under the BSD 3-clause `License`_. But this project is built on top of other tools listed here: - `d3.js `_ - `nvd3.js `_ - `jQuery `_ - `jQuery-UI `_ - `fancytree `_ - `bootstrap `_ - `typeahead `_ - `bootswatch `_ theme ``Slate`` - `angular-bootstrap-switch `_ - `angular.js `_ - `angular-ui-select `_ - `AngularStrap `_ - `lodash `_ - `DataTables `_ - Home-made `favicon `_ based on pictures from `simpsoncrazy `_ Also note that this project is made with the Awesome `Flask`_ micro-framework. Thanks ====== Thank you all for your feedbacks and bug reports those are making the project moving forward. Thank you to the `Flask`_'s developers and community. Special Thanks to Graham Keeling for its great piece of software! This project would not exist without `Burp`_. .. _Flask: .. _License: .. _Burp: .. _burpui.cfg: