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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.0.13 protected
    Release version 3.0.13
     - Improve error handling in case storage is invalid or not initialized yet.
  • v3.0.12 protected
    Release version 3.0.12
     - Reduce logging in final build.
     - Classes + School types + Teacher list was cached
       too strong. Added "change recognizer".
  • v3.0.11 protected
    Release version 3.0.11
     - In certain situations on some android devices, the app crashed
       on start while reading credentials. Based on the information given
       it might interfer with the automatic backup to Google Drive.
       Prevent saving keystore.
  • v3.10.0 protected
    Release version 3.10
     - Android app icon is now shown without white circle (improves splash as well)
     - Teacher settings contain a quick filter now
     - For each new push notification, log messages got one logger more, flooding the system log
  • v3.0.9 protected
    Release version 3.0.9
     - Scanner for login card does not always proper work
     - Upgrade unified push libraries (FCM fallback)
     - Fix black screen after login
  • v3.0.1 protected
    816a993b · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    Version 3.0.1
  • v3.0.0 protected
    Version 3.0.0
    This app offers the possibility to access the substitution information of the Friedrich-List-Schule Wiesbaden (FLS).
    Likewise, it is possible to compile one's schedule or courses that are attended. Regular lessons that do not include substitutions are also displayed here.
    Overall substitution list:
     - Display of overall substitution schedules for FLS Wiesbaden.
     - Switch between student and teacher view
     - Compilation / filtering of suitable substitution and schedule information
     - Display also of regular schedules according to settings and customizing
     - Display of vacation and public holidays
     - Efficient automatic update of necessary data (interval approx. 1 h, but not in energy saving mode)
     - Notification of plan changes (provided that filter settings have been made)
     - Registration by manual input or by registration card (to be found in the respective school portal or on the school website)
    Currently not supported:
     - FLS Wiesbaden cooperates with neighboring schools (e.g. for electrical engineering or also for health). The plans cannot (yet) be merged.